Posted January 24, 2020

How to Show You're Management Material

By Grace Tino

One of the most enticing things about the retail industry is the large number of positions available, even in a single store. Not only are there a variety of departments, but there's also many opportunities in each to advance to managerial roles. Perhaps you've been in your position for a few months and you're looking to boost your responsibilities, or maybe you have years of experience under your belt but haven't reached the seniority you want. No matter where your experience falls, chances are there are some managerial opportunities in reach- the trick is showing your bosses that you've earned it. Consider these five steps in your journey towards a management role in retail:

  • Talk with your bosses. The straightforward thing you can do to demonstrate you're ready for more is by asking for it. Your superiors may not be aware that you're looking to take on a new challenge; if you share your goals with them for a management role, they'll start to evaluate your skillset and see if you have what it takes.
  • Don't just share your interest in a managerial position, train for it! Ask for mentorship from your bosses if they don't think you're quite ready. You'll stay in their mind as their top pick for a manager promotion and you'll already have some of the training down.
  • Be a leader in your team. Whatever team you're currently on, whether that's inventory, sales, or customer service, show initiative by leading others. Take extra time and care to make sure your team is meeting their goals, and everything is running smoothly. This is your chance to show managerial skills such as organization, delegation, and efficiency.
  • The small things make a big difference. While you're working hard to show your determination, don't forget about all the small and more basic things your bosses look for in a manager. These are things like showing up on time, demonstrating a positive attitude, and being kind and patient with even the most difficult customers.
  • Go beyond expectations. One of the best ways to show you're ready for greater responsibility and higher goals is by surpassing the ones currently laid out for you. Measurable and tangible results, such as sales numbers or processing times, are one of the best ways to secure that management position.

Climbing the retail ladder to procure a management position is possible, but it takes hard work, communication, and initiative. If you demonstrate your determination to your superiors, exceed expectations, and cultivate your leadership skills, a managerial role should be within your grasp in no time.